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VINCI Concessions

In Kürze

UMSETZUNG/ARBEITEN/PROJEKTDURCHFÜHRUNG 2024-98987 3406 Nanterre, Île-de-France Unbefristet Mehr als 8 Jahre

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Program / Construction Manager (F/M)


As the world’s leading developer of mobility infrastructure, VINCI Concessions helps to improve the daily lives and transport for everyone. It builds facilities (airports, roads, railways) that serve the public interest, which is why consultation and dialogue with partners in the public and private sectors constitute an integral part of its work.

Operating in 15 countries around the world, VINCI Highways is a leading concessions company and provider of road transport services. Working with local partners, VINCI Highways designs, finances, builds and operates 4,000 km of highways to the highest international safety and quality standards.

We are looking for a Program/Construction Manager (F/M) to join our team in Nanterre, France. In this role, you will oversee major investment projects throughout VINCI Highways network, at development, construction and operation phases. In close collaboration with local teams, you will bring your technical expertise in highway construction and heavy maintenance projects with the target to optimize cost and schedule of these projects. 

You will report to VINCI Highways CTO.

Your main responsibilities will be :

  • In a context of strong development of highway concession projects, you will be involved in international tender processes. You will be a member of the bid submission teams, responsible (together with local teams) for providing inputs on technical and organizational matters leading to CAPEX optimization regarding pavement, infrastructure, ITS/tolling. You will challenge advisors and/or contractors on technical due diligence, design, contractual requirements, CAPEX cost…

  • During the construction phase, you will support project companies (SPV) in program management: technical decisions, cost and schedule optimization, contractual issues with contractors. You will help local teams in addressing technical issues with contractors, grantors and lenders. You will liaise with VINCI group contractors management teams when high level negotiation or arbitration is needed.

  • During operation phase, you will support concessionaire companies in making technical optimization choices regarding maintenance/repair cycles.

  • You will provide support by coordinating VINCI Concessions experts depending on the issues raised.

  • You will lead the technical community to allow exchanges between all SPVs, set best practices and formalize programme management processes.

  • You will participate in the definition and implementation of reporting tools and technical monitoring tools dedicated to infrastructure. A focus on the development and implementation of digital solutions (BIM, etc.) is also expected.

  • Engineer degree, with a minimum of 10 years of operational/technical experience in managing large construction and engineering project related to infrastructure ;
  • Excellent understanding of technical challenges, contractual, human and organizational considerations ;
  • Ability to identify and solve key contractual and technical issues ;
  • Good knowledge of construction market ;
  • Ability to work in an international, multidisciplinary and multicultural context ;
  • Interpersonal skills to have strong impact on technical teams from diverse backgrounds ;
  • Autonomy to successfully carry out complex projects ;
  • French and English fluent mandatory. Spanish or Portuguese would be a strong asset.


VINCI Highways, filiale de VINCI Concessions, est un leader des concessions, opérations et services de mobilité routière. VINCI Highways conçoit, finance, construit et opère des autoroutes, réseaux urbains, ponts, tunnels et services routiers digitaux sur un réseau de 3 360 km dans 15 pays. VINCI Highways met à profit son savoir-faire pour garantir les meilleurs standards de performance et de sécurité et assurer une expérience positive aux automobilistes.

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  • UMSETZUNG/ARBEITEN/PROJEKTDURCHFÜHRUNG, Nanterre, Île-de-France, FrankreichLöschen