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VINCI Energies

In Kürze

INGENIEURWESEN/STUDIEN/METHODEN 33321 Veghel, Noord-Brabant Stage HBO Studiem im gange

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Mini Factory


The Bosch Rexroth Mini Factory is located within The Chocolate Factory, the learning and working factory at the Noordkade in Veghel.  

In the Bosch Rexroth mini-factory, a fully automated production process is driven by hydraulics and pneumatics. This setup simulates a production line where objects are combined and assembled to create a new product. The system operates using various sensors and actuators controlled by a PLC (Programmable Logic Controller). In short, this machine offers a hands-on introduction to the versatility of pneumatic and hydraulic processes. 

The assignment consists of making the Flex Bosch Rexroth Mini Factory hand-operated and implementing different phases of use: 

Phase 1: Operational Mode: 
The machine must be operational for daily tasks within the workshop. Students are responsible for ensuring that the basic functions are running for everyday use. 
Phase 2: Demo Mode: 
A continuous automated demonstration of the process should be set up, allowing the system to always display a working setup without requiring active user interaction. 
Phase 3: Leisure Mode: 
The machine should be interactive so that leisure guests (e.g., children) can influence the process using buttons, levers, or a joystick. 
Phase 4: Learning Mode 1 (Basic Mode - Programmable via Scratch): 
Develop an accessible programming environment (e.g., Scratch) where elementary and secondary school students can program and control the physical process using functional blocks. This will allow them to direct the virtual setup's process. 
Phase 5: Learning Mode 2 (Advanced Mode - Programmable via Python): Implement a more advanced programming environment (e.g., Python), where students will gain greater control over the machine. This phase will also enable younger learners to use programming blocks to learn the basics of programming and machine control. 

  • You are pursuing a degree in Mechatronics, Electrical Engineering, or a related field. 
  • You are enthusiastic and have a passion for system design and automation. 
  • You work independently on your assignment at our location. 
  • You aim for personal development both in your graduation project and beyond. 
  • You are a proactive communicator and enjoy working in a team. 

At Actemium, you have the space to trust in your own qualities. We offer: 

  • A pleasant and informal working atmosphere with personalized guidance from enthusiastic professionals. 
  • Plenty of room for your innovative ideas. 
  • A varied internship or graduation opportunity within a constantly evolving network. 
  • Opportunities for growth after completing your assignment. 
  • Flexible working hours. 


Without movement, everything stands still. Advice, engineering, realization, commissioning, and maintenance of industrial installations are all about agility. Deploying and managing the right expertise at the right time worldwide. Constantly searching for innovative solutions and services that improve processes. We call this Managing Movement. 

The Actemium network – VINCI Energies' brand for industry – includes 23,000 specialists and 400 business units in 40 countries worldwide. In the Netherlands, 1,000 entrepreneurial professionals from 23 business units move the industry. 

As a graduate student at Actemium, you will have all the space to develop yourself, of course, under the guidance of experienced Actemium employees. The combination of your talent and our professional expertise can lead to surprising innovations. Through your creativity and dedication, our organization becomes a bit better, and you get a cool place to graduate. So it's a win-win situation!

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  • INGENIEURWESEN/STUDIEN/METHODEN, Veghel, Nordbrabant, NiederlandeLöschen