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VINCI Energies

In brief

ENGINEERING/DESIGN STUDIES/METHODS Actemium EV -CAD Technician-106892 549 Coventry, England Permanent contract

To ease reading, the plural masculine form may be used on this page; our vacancies are however directed to persons of all genders

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Actemium EV -CAD Technician


Actemium EV, a distinguished member of the VINCI Energies, specializes in the design, project management, installation, and commissioning of electrical services.


The CAD Technician is required to produce 2D EV Charging Schematics illustrating Charger Locations, Civil Works (Trenching/Moling Paths), Electrical Containment, Car Park Spaces, Vehicles, Kerbing, Landscaping etc….for internal and external environments. Experience also in producing basic electrical schematics, electrical single line diagrams and general arrangement drawings from engineers’ designs. Autocad to be used as the ideal platform for all requirements above.

Develop a standardised approach for producing above efficiently with consistency and quality. This is an opportunity for a technician to bring own ideas and innovation to the role.

Package: Competitive Salary  + Pension + Share Scheme + Healthcare + Benefits

Main Responsibilities

  • Develop a standardised approach for producing above efficiently with consistency and quality. This is an opportunity for a technician to bring own ideas and innovation to the role. 
  • Support Project Managers  
  • Ordering of parts and equipment.
  • Producing O&M documentation for projects
  • Producing Construction Phase Plan (from existing templates) for projects

The Person

  • An ONC/HNC in Mechanical/Electrical engineering or equivalent technical discipline would be advantageous but not essential.
  • AutoCAD experience is preferable, further training will be provided to skill enhancement and employee development
  • A healthy interest in new technology such as EV Charging and Renewables would be ideal
  • Excellent communications skills
  • Calm professional manner
  • Positive "can do" attitude & willing to get involved in any business aspect to support the team
  • Good attention to detail, pride in work
  • Excellent self-organisational, planning and time management skills
  • Microsoft Office skills/experience (Outlook, Word, Excel & PowerPoint)
  • Innovative mind and a desire to implement a “we can do this better” attitude


Part of the VINCI Energies Group, Actemium provide engineering design, project management, installation and commissioning of electrical, mechanical and IT services in the United Kingdom since 1907. In addition, we provide specialist maintenance operations, fully complemented with accredited safety tests and inspection services to optimise the operational efficiency and safety of our client's equipment and systems. Whilst part of a global network of 300 Business Units, Actemium UK comprises of 7 Business Units covering all of the UK & RoI.

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  • ENGINEERING/DESIGN STUDIES/METHODS, Coventry, England, United KingdomRemove