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VINCI Energies

In brief

ENGINEERING/DESIGN STUDIES/METHODS 13348 Paris, Île-de-France Region Fixed-term contract

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SPS Material and Welding Engineering Services

Job title: SPS Material and Welding Engineering Services
Sector: Oil & Gas
Starting date: 24/03/2025
Duration: 12 Months
Renewable: Yes
Location: Paris, FRANCE
Status: Residential
Language: English mandatory

The service holder will be in charge of all the Material / Welding and NDE aspects of the SPS package ie covering activities from design, qualification, supply, manufacturing, and construction to pre-com. / commissioning for operation. It shall ensure overall consistency with good industry practices and respect for code / technical standards requirements. This will include but not be limited to and be reviewing, approving and dossiers Call For Tender and EPFS phases for the SPS system for a very deep water oil greenfield project.

  1. Adopt and demonstrate an exemplary behavior with regard to H3SE&Q, to implement and control H3SE rules and requirements within his area of responsibility. Ensure all technical documentation and SPS Contractor activities comply with H3SE&Q requirements and highlight any potential deviations. Ensure safe working practices are implemented along all phases of project.
  2. Adopt and demonstrate an exemplary behavior with regard to the Company Ethics and “Code of Conduct” policy, promote and enforce the Anti-Corruption Program within the Project
  3. Be informed of SPS-related Company Rules and Specifications (CR’s/GS’s), international norms, and standards, extracting all the applicable requirements for the SPS package.
  4. Identify, implement, and manage any study, or/and qualification program that would be requested for SPS engineering, construction, fabrication, testing, installation.
  5. Ensure that all engineering, fabrication, construction, testing, qualification pre-commissioning, and commissioning aspects are suitably addressed during the different engineering phases by timely reviewing (or having reviewed) and validating the relevant SPS documentation issued by Contractor(s) (technical documentation/queries/derogation requests).
  6. Coordinate the Materials, Welding & NDE studies related to design, risk analysis, QA/QC, etc.
  7. Ensure a clear definition of the technical scope of work and interfaces between contracts, produce required CFT documentation, and review bidders' proposed execution plan and schedule.
  8. Supervise and approve of Materials, Welding & NDE-related detailed design activities and support Engineering Manager in advising on and supporting qualification activities, linked to the use of new or non-standard/common technology (NDE, Welding & Materials matters, etc.)
  9. Coordinate welding and NDT expertise and audit and vetting of equipment and service providers for the Welding & Materials procurement and construction
  10. Welding competence requirements; knowledge of low alloy steel F22/8630 A77 etc, buttered connections, weld overlay, super duplex stainless steel butt welding of large bore
  11. Define, develop, issue and maintain all necessary technical documentation related to the Venus SPS packages. Support and participate also to the development and maintenance of Project Management main documents (SOR, FDP, PEP, PQP, Risks, etc.) for SPS matters.
  12. Ensure that HSE&Q issues are correctly handled in all SPS technical documentation. Raise subsequent comments and highlight deviations and unacceptable or unjustified design choices that could affect SPS equipment during fabrication, installation, and production.
  13. Act, as technical referent for Contractor(s), coordinate all the activities of the SPS Engineering team by informing, supporting, and directing personnel in their roles, responsibilities, and objectives.
  14. Participate in project reviews as requested by our referential (PR, DER, CSPP...).
  15. Ensure safe working practices are used within the team during all phases of the project
  16. Ensure confidentiality of all the SPS documentation produced (whatever its support)

The activity takes place in the context of the Call For Tender, and Project Execution Phase of a major very Deep Water greenfield Project in Namibia. The Venus GPI is a multidisciplinary team that coordinates the development studies managed by the company on the Deep Water discoveries of offshore Namibia Block 2913B.
The technical challenges the GPI / Project will face are the reservoirs development and management, the subsea production/injection system definition in a challenging environment.
The Venus Project will be developed with the objectives to maximize economical results by optimizing the reserves, the schedule, reducing the costs and the Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emission, while maintaining the technical quality of the installations, with high H3SE requirements and focus.

  • Qualification: Master’s degree in engineering or equivalent and strong experience with SPS Systems
  • Professional Experience: At least 15 years of experience in studies and execution phases of large offshore oil & gas projects especially linked to SPS equipment welding & NDE activities.
  • Experience within project: at least 15 years in large offshore oil & gas subsea environment / projects.
  • Additional features:
  • High awareness of safe working practices on subsea system construction.
  • Excellent communication skills. Excellent written skills.
  • Willing to travel as required for business both internal and overseas.
  • Ability to work with different disciplines and cultures in a complex and multicultural working environment.
  • Good knowledge of relevant codes.

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  • ENGINEERING/DESIGN STUDIES/METHODS, Paris, Île-de-France Region, FranceRemove