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VINCI Construction

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Bid engineer


As a Project Engineer for civil works business development at the agency of VINCI Construction Grands Projets USA based in Alexandria, Virginia, you will work in identifying and developing the commercial opportunities for prospective projects and you will participate in bid preparation and submission.

• Participate in call for bids: participate, together with the engineer in charge of the business development for the US sector, the Bid Manager and his/her associated team, in the preparation of qualification-based submission, technical and financial proposal (can consist of searching best fitting VINCI’s references to meet Client’s criteria, technical or commercial writing and reviewing, helping in collecting the required administrative documents, identifying and suggesting improvement during documents review, coordinating with the head office and/or partners for follow-up of your scope of works, assisting, as part of the Bid team, in providing input for Proposal preparation such as a request for clarifications, technical, scheduling, risk elements, materials, equipment, estimating, review of existing standards, etc.)

• Participate in the project early identification: Monitor early development of new projects (internet, magazine, client’s public meeting, etc.), identify relevant projects targeted by the company, and prepare a presentation for the selection committee (summarizing main information about contract type, cost estimate, timeline, technical main points, etc.), update accordingly the different corporate databases for commercial reporting

Participate in supporting missions inherent to the agency background operations: Sharepoint/Teams updates, liaison with IT support from the head office as needed, participation and/or help in the organization of the corporate event (International Safety Week, Environmental award, etc.), participate in monitoring potential change in regulation applicable to our scope of works, update technical or commercial presentation ahead of Client or Partner meeting

• Perform additional assignments per management’s direction


Bachelor's Degree in Civil Engineering, Construction Management or a related field required

Strongly Encouraged:

2-4 years of construction engineering experience.
a previous experience working in a construction site preferred to understand the core challenges/constraints beyond the commercial aspects


Strong written skills (capabilities documentation, etc.).
Software skills: Excel, Word, PowerPoint; Sharepoint would be a plus.
Knowledge of diverse construction methods and heavy civil baseline concepts (tunnels, bridges, marine works, etc.); scheduling or contractual management skills would be a plus
Ability to interface and communicate effectively with others.
Curious and problem-solving - we look for your creativity and ability to use your engineering toolbox in a commercial environment.
Ability to understand a wide range of inputs and work across several fields – we define submission guidelines and assemble a cohesive answer based on multiple inputs collected from civil engineering in-house experts, financial department, safety department, legal department, HR department, etc. – it’s a continuous learning experience.
Analytical mind, capacity to collect, summarize and prioritize relevant information from miscellaneous sources.

Methodical and well organized – we can pursue several projects at a time.
· Capacity to understand and differentiate the diverse parties’ point of view – adjusting presentations/responses according to the recipient (internal reporting, partners meeting, presentation to Owners, public outreach, etc.

Strongly Encouraged:

Be able to work in a workstation subject to office noise

Pourquoi nous rejoindre ?

VINCI Construction Grands Projets USA is a subsidiary of VINCI Construction Grands Projets, with its main office located in Alexandria, Virginia. VINCI Construction Grands Projets is the design-build contractor of the VINCI Group’s Major Project Division. The VINCI Group is a global concession-and-construction player, generating 49BN revenue with more than 100 years of experience in delivering major infrastructure projects and project-management capabilities to design and build major civil engineering structures worldwide. The VINCI Group was ranked 4th in the Engineering News-Record (ENR) 2019 Top 250 International Contractors.

Currently, VINCI Construction Grands Projets is involved on the Hampton Roads Bridge-Tunnel, a $3.3BN Design-Build project – the largest civil construction contract ever awarded by the Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT).


VINCI Construction Grands Projets emploie plus de 7 000 collaborateurs et réalise un chiffre d'affaires de 2,5 md€ (données 2021). Héritier d'entreprises centenaires, qui ont associé leurs noms à des références majeures à l'échelle internationale, VINCI Construction Grands Projets maîtrise l'ensemble des savoir-faire liés à la réalisation d'ouvrages complexes. VINCI Construction Grands Projets conçoit et réalise partout dans le monde de grands ouvrages de génie civil et de bâtiment : infrastructures de transport (ponts et viaducs, travaux souterrains, linéaires de surface et maritimes), bâtiments (tours de bureaux et de logements, parkings, aéroports, ouvrages administratifs et culturels), énergies et oil & gas (réservoirs GNL, centrales thermiques et nucléaires), infrastructures minières (accès, terrassements, travaux souterrains et à ciel ouvert, génie civil), infrastructures hydrauliques (barrages, stations de pompage et de traitement des eaux usées, distribution et évacuation des eaux) et environnement (systèmes d'assainissement et d'amélioration des réseaux d'eau potable, centres d'enfouissement technique). Le haut niveau d'expertise de VINCI Construction Grands Projets et sa forte capacité d'ingénierie et de management de projets vont de pair avec une organisation réactive et une politique de partenariat avec les entreprises locales, lui permettant de déployer des solutions à la fois globales et modulables.


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