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VINCI Energies

En Bref

JURIDIQUE 2024-102713 2765 Yvelines, Île-de-France, France Convention de stage

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o   The variety of the subjects allows any specific focus on business law you might wish.

o   Be assigned a specific project related to compliance (to be decided during the internship - scope to be strongminded).

o   Helping with the implementation of a third-party assessment compliance tool (attending meetings with the supplier of the tool, settings & configuration, relevant criteria, testing, training on divisional lawyers, drafting user guides, training of the referents, etc.).

o   Compliance risk mapping and reporting of customers, suppliers, and sub-contractors.

o   Keeping a legal watch on European and French compliance legislations (Sapin II, CSDDD and CSRD) and analysing its impact on the business.

o   Preparing and participating in weekly/monthly lawyer meetings (webinar, reporting, communication, legal watch, training, risks news and update, processes, etc.)

o   Drafting reports on compliance issues within VEENW’s division: Business Ethics (corruption, etc.), Environment (recycling, water consumption, etc.), Human & Social Law (slavery, gender equity, etc.).

o   Participating in/and updating procedures and methodologies in practical guides provided within the VEENW Division and helping to implement them within VEENW Division: international sanctions, business ethics, third parties’ assessment, internal control and whistleblowing, etc.

o   Participating in cross-functional projects.

o   Education: LEGAL Master’s degree/EFB/2nd year Master

o   Languages: Fluent English, French, other languages a plus

Pourquoi nous rejoindre ?

Our Group – VINCI Energies

In a world undergoing constant change, VINCI Energies focuses on connections, performance, energy efficiency and data to fast-track the rollout of new technologies and support two major changes: digital transformation and energy transition. Keeping pace with market changes, VINCI Energies integrates customised solutions to help its customers roll out technologies that serve a useful purpose and care for the planet from design to implementation, operation, and maintenance.

VINCI Energies’ 1,800 agile and innovative business units build on their strong regional roots to boost the reliability, safety, sustainability and efficiency of buildings, factories, energy, transport and communication infrastructures and information systems. 2023: €19.3 billion revenue//85,700 employees//1,800 business units//57 countries

Our Company - VINCI Energies Europe North West

The VINCI Energies Europe North West division comprises more than 240 business units organised in 7 management poles within 9 countries covering our 4 fields of activity (Industry, Infrastructure, ICT, Building Solutions).

Our mission is to develop VINCI Energies’ activities by supporting and connecting our stakeholders with the global VINCI and VINCI Energies’ vision.

The Internship

You will join the VINCI Energies Europe North West division legal team for a period of 6 months starting in January 2025.

The team provides legal advice to businesses and animates local lega


À propos de VINCI Energies Dans un monde en évolution permanente, VINCI Energies accélère la transition écologique en concrétisant deux mutations majeures, numérique et énergétique. Attentif à ses marchés et intégrateur de solutions multitechniques sur mesure, VINCI Energies accompagne ses clients dans le déploiement de technologies utiles aux hommes et à la planète, de la conception à la réalisation, l'exploitation et la maintenance. Ancrées dans les territoires, agiles et innovantes, ses 1 800 entreprises sont au coeur des choix énergétiques de leurs clients, de leurs infrastructures et de leurs process pour les rendre chaque jour plus fiables, plus efficients et plus durables. 2021 : 15,1 milliards d'euros (chiffre d'affaires) // 85 700 collaborateurs // 1800 entreprises // 57 pays

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