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Rotating Equipment Specialist

ROTATING EQUIPMENT SPECIALISTis required by our Client, an Oil and Gas Operator, to be assigned on Contract basis in Algeria.

ROTATION                28 days ON x 28 days OFF
DURATION                12 months (renewable, long-term)

  • Act as rotating equipment expert / advisor to operations and maintenance teams including performing and supervising major inspection/overhauling tasks on large rotating equipment such as compressors, gas turbines, pumps, blowers.
  • Direct and monitor progress on shutdown activity preparation and planning for rotating equipment.  
  • Develop rotating equipment monitoring and maintenance strategies and work program
  • Provides mechanical engineering support to set up effective RCM with appropriate condition monitoring.  Identify opportunities for modifications to improve the design or installations of equipment
  • Establish and optimize critical sparing requirements and monitor spare parts inventory levels with reference to lead times for procurement to insure uptime
  • Assists in planning major plant overhauls and setting the overall strategy to capitalize on all SD opportunities
  • Recommends operating and maintenance procedure changes to improve equipment uptime
  • Reviews data collected from process equipment to optimise operations.  Recommends changes to data collection.  Establish an effective maintenance reporting system to assist with trouble shooting and long term asset management.
  • Support of Plant Operations to troubleshoot operating problems
  • Executes repair work such as replacement of dry gas seals and mechanical seals.  Replacement of bearings and alignment, including overhauling all type of turbo-machinery (hands on ability and knowledge required).
  • Provides technical supervision and guidance of execution teams during equipment overhaul.
  • Degree or equivalent in Engineering (preferably Mechanical) or related discipline.
  • Professional and/or Chartered Engineering designation useful.
  • Minimum 10 years’ experience preferably in oil and gas industry upstream operations.
  • Proven experience in field maintenance of turbo-machinery (GE and Dresser centrifugal compressors, GE Gas Turbines, Frame 5’s in particular would be an asset).
  • Compression performance management systems.
  • Understanding of vibration and lube oil analysis and other condition monitoring methods.
  • Strong root cause analysis and troubleshooting skills.
  • Capability to use mechanical precision tools / equipment.
  • Familiarity with mechanical workshop’s activities, tooling and machinery (machining, fabrication process, etc).
  • English required. French is advantageous, Arabic beneficial. 

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