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VINCI Construction

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UMSETZUNG/ARBEITEN/PROJEKTDURCHFÜHRUNG 2023-88837 620 Australien Freiwilligendienst im Unternehmen Habilitation / Höher als Master Anfänger

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V.I.E. - Construction Project Engineer - Australia - F/M


Are you looking to join a progressive, leading civil engineering firm? Get to know our Australian subsidiary Seymour Whyte thanks to the VIE program! 

Australian leading civil engineering company, Seymour Whyte delivers major essential infrastructure across the country. Seymour Whyte's areas of expertise range from roads and bridges, rail, tunnelling services, water & wastewater. 

Find out more about Seymour Whyte and its ongoing project here.

We are looking for a Construction Project Engineer V.I.E.  F/M who will be excited to work on projects varying from road infrastructures, hydraulic ones or intervene on civil engineering works (precise location to be defined). Does it feel like a project you would be ready to take on? Keep reading! 

What you can expect as a Construction Project Engineer @Seymour Whyte ?

As part of the Seymour Whyte teams, you will play a key role in supervising a specific worksite area while working closely with construction teams, subcontractors, suppliers, and more.  

Get ready to: 

  • Manage schedules and coordinate subcontractors on your perimeter (conduct and administer overall job planning and programming);                 
  • Define and ensure the supply of material needs of your perimeter;                                                                       
  • Monitor construction progress and ensure the smooth running of the work;                                                  
  • Participate in the financial management of the project;                     
  • Monitor daily costs of all time-dependent elements on the project and implications;                                     
  • Undertake cost controlling and estimating as required. 
  • Ensure compliance with policies, procedures, and requirements related to Quality Assurance, Occupational Health and Safety, and Environment 

The project you will join can differ based on your application time and your technical expertise. 

What about you?

You’ll be a great fit if: 

  • You’re looking for assignments that combine fieldwork and project management; 
  • You’re fully committed to Health & Safety guidelines; 
  • You have graduated with a master’s degree in civil engineering and/or construction and have a first working experience in construction;
  • You can define yourself through strong interpersonal skills, open-mindedness, and curiosity; 
  • You show an international mindset which will allow you to enjoy what Australia can offer to the fullest; 
  • You speak fluent English;                                   
  • You have your driving license. 

Quick Reminder about the VIE program: 

The VIE program requires you to: 

  • Be a European citizen aged between 18 and 28 on the date of registration, whatever training level;  
  • Be a graduate student, with a fluent level in English;  
  • Have never done any V.I.E. in the past ;  
  • Not have worked previously in the host country.  

Warum sollten Sie sich bewerben?

Why should you join Seymour Whyte and VINCI Construction as a VIE ? 

  • You will gain a great working experience thanks to an inspirational working environment: get to experience the ins and outs of how a project is run from procurement through to completion; 
  • You will develop technical and soft skills through mentoring: you’ll be supported by experienced professionals who will help you build your confidence and raise your chances to succeed within the construction business. 
  • You will join a decentralized organization with decision-making close to the field: considered as a fully-fledged member of the Seymour Whyte team, it’s your project, your call, your responsibility! 
  • You will thrive and be part of an attractive community: the Young Talents @VINCI Construction. Meet like-minded people and create a network of peers you’ll be able to rely on and connect with for the remainder of your career! 

Next steps? 

If you like what you’re reading and feel you could be up for the task, let’s meet!  

We’ll have a first quick phone encounter to ensure we are aligned on what you’re looking for and what we can offer, before exploring these elements further during a second Teams meeting.  

If we are still in step, it will time for you to meet HR and operational members from Seymour Whyte. 

Welcome onboard! 


VINCI Construction est l'un des principaux acteurs mondiaux de la construction, dans le domaine des infrastructures de transport, des bâtiments, des réseaux et des aménagements urbains. VINCI Construction s'appuie sur un réseau de filiales de proximité, un réseau de spécialités et une expertise spécifique sur les grands projets d'infrastructures. Avec plus de 1300 entreprises, VINCI Construction intervient sur l'ensemble du cycle de vie d'un ouvrage (financement, conception, construction, rénovation, maintenance). Ce réseau de plus de 1300 entreprises, présentes dans plus de 100 pays, emploie près de 115 000 personnes et a réalisé un chiffre d'affaires de 26,2 milliards d'euros en 2021. Pour en savoir plus, rendez-vous sur et suivez nos actualités sur LinkedIn :


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