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VINCI Energies

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Grid Electrical Engineer

GRID ELECTRICAL ENGINEER is required by our Client, within the Renewables industry, to be assigned on a Contract basis, located in Boston, MA.


The Grid Electrical Engineer is a critical role within the Offshore Renewables Business, focusing on the delivery of large-scale offshore wind projects in the USA and overseas. The role will require an expertise in power system design and studies in general, ideally with knowledge related to offshore wind farms. Belonging to the Project Services department and reporting at the project level to the Electrical Design Manager, the Grid Electrical Engineer will be responsible for electrical studies, specification of main electrical equipment technical requirements, Wind farm control, grid connection interface and other electrical design aspects of projects.  Additionally, the Grid Electrical Engineer shall also assist in planning and implementing delivery of tasks associated with interfaces, defining company/business engineering standards and technical acceptance criteria, and ensuring quality, best practices and excellent H&SE Internal Use performance are applied.

  • Support development of electrical studies for offshore wind projects.
  • Translate electrical studies results to electrical specifications for onshore and offshore equipment.
  • Support grid interconnection engineering.
  • Support development of renewable energy projects technical documentation such as interconnection agreements, facilities studies, permitting documents, local codes and regulations, electrical construction specifications as per reliability standards and requirements such as NERC, FERC etc.
  • Capture and Issue Lessons learned.
  • Manage and resolve a range of technical/engineering issues within key packages on a day to-day basis.
  • At short notice, act upon problems and ad-hoc projects without losing focus on major ongoing workload. Skills, Knowledge & Experience (to be posted)

  • 5 to 7 years of relevant work/industry experience.
  • Bachelor’s degree in engineering or a higher-level degree (e.g., MEng) desirable.
  • Extensive experience in power systems related to renewables, ideally offshore wind, covering transmission and generation projects in terms of design as well as system studies.
  • Expertise with electrical system modelling/analysis and studies, and proficiency in modelling software such as PSS/E, PSCAD, ASPEN, PowerFactory etc.
  • Extensive knowledge and experience related to large scale generation and related grid connections.
  • Knowledgeable in terms of IEEE, IEC, CIGRE etc.
  • Excellent report writing, presentation skills and ability to summarize key parameters and drivers impacting the project and business.
  • Innovative and creative thinking.

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