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VINCI Energies

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IT/INFORMATIONSSYSTEME 30845 Capelle aan den IJssel, Zuid-Holland Mehr als 10 Jahre

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Datacenter Consultant


CompanyInformation : We focus, among other things, on the business market of ICT infrastructure, with a portfolio in the areas of data centres, collaboration, connectivity, workplaces and security. Our Business Unit is made up of decisive and enterprising teams, segmented by market, aimed at serving our customers optimally. We focus on current themes such as Automation & Orchestration, Hybrid Cloud and Internet of Things, with customers in the enterprise market. We do this with 90 passionate colleagues and are based in Capelle aan den IJssel.

FunctionDescription: As Data Centre Consultant, you will be part of a multidisciplinary team that includes a Service Manager, Client Manager, Change Coordinator and Solution Architect, who are responsible for the quality and further development of the service provided to our customers. 
  • Within this team, you are the ‘technical conscience’ and sparring partner for our customers and the AxiansCloud;
  • Your personal ambition is to participate actively in drawing up the roadmap or tenders to support and advise our customers optimally; 
  • In our organisation, you are the linking pin to our service organisation;
  • Think of complex changes, and internal and external projects;
  • You will manage new customers and/or new equipment and ensure that knowledge is shared and secured;
  • In the event of disruptions with a high customer impact, you and the team will determine what is required to resolve these issues in line with the SLA agreements. You are the senior representative in your field and a sounding board for colleagues. Where necessary, you will use your knowledge and experience to help inspire other team members within your field; 
  • You have a clear vision about ‘automation’ and how this helps us to simplify management tasks, thus adding value to our data centre proposition.

  • Your knowledge and education are at least at University of Applied Sciences (HBO) level, supplemented by current data centre certification. Examples include Microsoft Server products, virtualisation layers, VDI solutions, storage environments and cloud infrastructures (Azure, AWS); 
  • You possess in-depth product knowledge and are an all-rounder in Hybrid Cloud Infrastructure, gained through years of experience; 
  • You are able to supervise, support and motivate colleagues; 
  • You are a creative team player and possess the necessary communication skills, use various communication styles and are able to share your knowledge in a results-oriented way; 
  • You are motivated to develop yourself and your career and to also involve your colleagues in this; 
  • You have at least five years of relevant work experience in a service-providing organisation, and as such have extensive experience in managing data centre infrastructures, resolving complex issues and motivating colleagues; 
  • You are customer and results-oriented, flexible and precise, and deliver excellent service.

ContactInfo: We would like to invite you to apply by clicking the apply button and uploading your motivation letter and CV. We look forward to having a conversation with you to see if we can be of mutual benefit. If you have any questions regarding this vacancy, please contact our Recruiter, Max Trapman. He can be reached at +31 6 27 33 80 28 or via

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  • IT/INFORMATIONSSYSTEME, Capelle aan den IJssel, Südholland, NiederlandeLöschen