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UMSETZUNG/ARBEITEN/PROJEKTDURCHFÜHRUNG 12751 Ensenada, Baja California Befristet

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Completions Database Reporting Officer

COMPLETIONS DATABASE REPORTING OFFICER required by our Client on a contract basis.


Manage the EasyPlant completion database and oversee pre-commissioning/commissioning activities. Key duties will involve:

  • Monitoring and maintaining the EasyPlant database. This include understanding its architecture, extracting data, generating reports, and ensuring data availability for the Client.

  • Managing the completion database: You'll supervise pre-commissioning/commissioning data updates, control punch items, and guarantee data quality through workflow adherence.

  • Providing guidance and training: You'll advise on EasyPlant system access and training needs for both the Contractor and Company.

  • Auditing and reviewing: You'll assess the work of Contractors and assist in ensuring project completeness at various stages.

  • Establishing reporting tools: You'll develop progress reporting tools for pre-commissioning/commissioning phases and provide initial gap analysis.

  • Overseeing dossier development: You'll monitor the creation, preparation, and follow-up of relevant project dossiers.


Oversee EasyPlant Database:

  • Monitor all aspects of the EasyPlant database.

  • Possess in-depth knowledge of EasyPlant architecture, hardware, software, and communication tools.

  • Access setup parameters, monitor updates, extract data, and generate reports.

Manage Completion Database:

  • Supervise and manage the completion database, with a focus on pre-commissioning and commissioning stages.

  • Oversee the management of punch items within the database, ensuring quality control and adherence to punch management workflows.

  • Ensure constant availability of EasyPlant data to the Client.

Provide Guidance and Training:

  • Advise the CONTRACTOR and COMPANY regarding resources and training needed for accessing and utilizing the EasyPlant system.

  • Administer the EasyPlant scope of work.

Audit and Review:

  • Audit the content of the CONTRACTOR and other Contractor's work within the database.

  • Assist in review processes to guarantee "completeness" at various project stages.

Establish Reporting Tools:

  • Develop specific pre-commissioning and commissioning progress reporting tools and indicators aligned with Commissioning Management requirements.

  • Provide first-level analysis of main gaps.

Oversee Dossier Development:

  • Monitor the development, preparation, and follow-up of pre-commissioning, commissioning, and TRANSFER Dossiers.


  • Extensive EasyPlant Experience: Minimum of 3 years working with EasyPlant on projects similar in scope to the Project.

  • Proven Oil & Gas Expertise: Over 10 years of overall experience in the Oil & Gas industry.


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  • UMSETZUNG/ARBEITEN/PROJEKTDURCHFÜHRUNG, Ensenada, Estado de Baja California, MexikoLöschen