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VINCI Construction

In Kürze

PREISSTUDIEN/VERTRIEB GM HDI IP UK-95391 1152 London, England, Vereinigtes Königreich Permanent contract Anfänger

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Project Engineer F/H


HDI is a SPIECAPAG subsidiary specialising in horizontal directional drilling. This technique is used to lay all types of pipes and networks across rivers, sensitive areas (such as coastal zones) or other obstacles, over distances of up to 2,000 metres. Founded in 1984, HDI is one of the leading specialists in this technique, with equipment suitable for all types of crossing. To continue its development in the UK, HDI is strengthening its teams and recruiting a :

Project Engineer F/H 

Reporting to the Project Manager you will be responsible for:

  • Familiarising yourself with the market data and preliminary studies for calls for tender (Turnkey projects)
  • Searching for sub-contractors and analyse the competition
  • Preparing the stages of the project
  • Coordinating planning
  • Coordinating the organisation and management of resources (own or subcontracted)
  • Monitoring project progress (quality, costs, deadlines, standards and contracts)
  • Identifying the risks of deviations from the contract and implement corrective actions
  • Formalising regular follow-up with the customer

This position will firstly be a home office position with regular meeting with the team in the head office (Paris area) to strengthen your link with the team and your knowledge of the company. 

  • You have a general engineering, mechanical or civil engineering background. 
  • You are rigorous, curious, organised and have good summarising skills.
  • You have good interpersonal skills and can work as part of a team with multiple contacts.
  • You are fluent in Word, Excel and Power Point and have some knowledge of Power BI.
  • Your English is fluent, knowledge in French or another foreign language would be a plus.
  • You will be willing to put in the time and effort required to learn the specifics of HDI's business.
  • An experience as intern or previous professional experience in sectors like trenchless crossing – cable installation or off shore operations (vertical drilling or windfarms) would be appreciated

Why us?

Come and join an international & dedicated team !


VINCI Construction, numéro 1 français du BTP, s'appuie sur un réseau de 391 centres de profit et sur les savoir-faire de 21 125 collaborateurs. VINCI Construction enracine, dans la maîtrise de ses quatre métiers, un savoir-faire unique d'ensemblier, apte à mobiliser l'intégralité de ses expertises dans les métiers du bâtiment, du génie civil, des travaux hydrauliques et des services. Au cœur du chantier, l'homme et les valeurs humaines sont le socle de VINCI Construction. SPIECAPAG réalise des projets complexes de pipelines terrestres et d'infrastructures associées telles que des stations de compression, de pompage et de comptage, de stockage d'hydrocarbures ainsi que des réseaux d'adduction d'eau ou de transport de minerais. Les services de SPIECAPAG incluent le management de projet, la recherche de financement, la conception et l'ingénierie, les études, les achats, la construction et la mise en service, la maintenance et l'opération des ouvrages et la formation des opérateurs ou tout simplement le « clé en main ».


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