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VINCI Concessions

In Kürze

FINANZEN/BUCHHALTUNG/VERWALTUNG/STEUERN 2024-95555 681 Nanterre, Île-de-France Unbefristet Master (5-jähriges Studium) Mehr als 3 Jahre

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E-trucks Development Project Manager F/H


As the world’s leading developer of transport infrastructure, VINCI Concessions helps to improve the daily lives and transport for everyone. It builds facilities (airports, roads, railways) that serve the public interest, which is why consultation and dialogue with partners in the public and private sectors constitute an integral part of its work.

VINCI Concessions intends to diversify its capital investments in infrastructure relating in particular to other types of mobility, the energy transition and the fight against climate change.

In this context, we are looking for an E-trucks Project Manager (F/M) to join our team in Paris. In this role, you will be responsible to develop new investments or new projects of Electric Trucks Charging infrastructure in Europe from opportunity identification to permitting and ultimately project closing.

We are seeking a dynamic professional with strong leadership skills and ability to coordinate the various expertise involved for our projects: commercial, finance, legal but also operation and traffic forecast for e-trucks charging stations.

Your responsibilities:

Business Development

o   Cultivate an opportunity pipeline of potential e-trucks projects by developing and maintaining relationships with prospects, customers and prescribers (hauliers, logisticians, shippers, truck distributors, property developers…) as well as relevant VINCI group companies and all levels of public customers.

o   Work on defining customers' needs in term of charging infrastructure (public or private)

o   Monitor market trends and anticipate potential opportunities and challenges.

Project management

o   Manage the various stages in the development of a e-truck site development: feasibility studies, environmental impact studies, applying for and obtaining planning permission, connection agreement.

o   Coordinating the pre-qualification of projects, taking into account regulatory, administrative, environmental, technical and financial aspects.

o   Working with the Technical Division, drawing up the financial model assumptions and managing the project budget during the development phase;

o   Negotiating and securing the offtake contracts with logistic companies

You will work closely with other departments, in particular VINCI Concessions' legal and structured finance teams and Eliso team in Germany.

You will participate in the continuous improvement of tools, best practices and internal skills.

·       Minimum of 4-5 years of operational experience in project development (renewable, real estate), and/or project finance preferably in real estate, mobility or infrastructures

·       Strong desire to take ownership of projects and drive them to completion

·       Curious, positive, “can-do” and transparent attitude is very critical for success

·       Excellent written and verbal communications skills 

·       English is a must, another language would be strongly appreciated


VINCI Concessions est un acteur international des concessions d'infrastructures de transport, engagé pour une croissance durable et partagée avec les territoires et les communautés. Nous concrétisons avec succès le potentiel du partenariat public-privé dans 21 pays, grâce à notre modèle intégré concessionnaire-constructeur et notre expertise en conception, financement, maîtrise d'ouvrage et exploitation-maintenance d'infrastructures de mobilité. Assurer une expérience positive à nos 2 millions clients par jour est l'objectif premier de nos 20 000 collaborateurs à travers le monde. VINCI Concessions réunit VINCI Airports - le premier opérateur privé mondial de la gestion aéroportuaire, VINCI Highways – un leader de la mobilité routière avec 3.564 km gérés dans 14 pays et VINCI Railways – pionner de la concession ferroviaire.


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  • FINANZEN/BUCHHALTUNG/VERWALTUNG/STEUERN, Nanterre, Île-de-France, FrankreichLöschen