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VINCI Concessions

In Kürze

QHSU 2024-94083 585 Nanterre, Île-de-France Unbefristet Mehr als 3 Jahre

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Health and Safety Officer (F/M)


An international player in transport infrastructure and services, VINCI Concessions operates more than 100 airports, highways and rail projects worldwide, through its subsidiaries VINCI Airports, VINCI Highways and VINCI Railways. Committed to safe, efficient and innovative mobility, we contribute to the sustainable prosperity of the regions that place their trust in us and their inhabitants.

VINCI Concessions is currently looking for a Health and Safety Officer (F/M).

Within the Health and Safety Department of VINCI Concessions, you will work under the supervision of the Health and Safety Manager on safety coordination assignments within your scope. Your expertise will be at the service of the operational managers within your scope, with the aim of eliminating and preventing workplace accidents and ensuring compliance with VINCI Group safety requirements.

You will be the link between the prevention department and VINCI Highways / VINCI Railways entities.

As part of your mission, you will be required to :

  • Coordinate safety within the scope of VINCI Highways and VINCI Railways.
  • Monitor and support the implementation of the Group's safety policies, procedures and programs within operational projects and those under construction.
  • Provide the necessary support to development project managers in the drafting of contractual occupational safety requirements.
  • Prepare the documentation required to carry out the activities of the occupational health and safety department.
  • Collaborate with operational teams to ensure effective implementation of safety protocols in the field, organizing training and providing the necessary support.
  • Ensure proactive communication on safety issues with internal and external stakeholders.
  • Participate in the investigation of serious and high-potential accidents,
  • Participate in the organization of annual workplace safety events,
  • Conduct periodic exchanges with operational managers to encourage the sharing of best practices.
  • Carry out safety inspections on operating projects and construction sites.
  • Prepare and present periodic reports on safety performance.

  • You have a master’s degree with a specialization in health and safety.
  • You have 3 to 5 years' experience in health and safety in a company.
  • You enjoy working in a team; you are pragmatic, have initiative and are used to challenges.
  • In this international context, you are fluent in English.
  • A third language (Spanish, Portuguese or other) would be a plus.


VINCI Concessions est un acteur international des concessions d'infrastructures de transport, engagé pour une croissance durable et partagée avec les territoires et les communautés. Nous concrétisons avec succès le potentiel du partenariat public-privé dans 21 pays, grâce à notre modèle intégré concessionnaire-constructeur et notre expertise en conception, financement, maîtrise d'ouvrage et exploitation-maintenance d'infrastructures de mobilité. Assurer une expérience positive à nos 2 millions clients par jour est l'objectif premier de nos 20 000 collaborateurs à travers le monde. VINCI Concessions réunit VINCI Airports - le premier opérateur privé mondial de la gestion aéroportuaire, VINCI Highways – un leader de la mobilité routière avec 3.564 km gérés dans 14 pays et VINCI Railways – pionner de la concession ferroviaire.


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