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VINCI Energies

In Kürze

INGENIEURWESEN/STUDIEN/METHODEN 13054 Paris, Île-de-France Region Befristet

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Relaunch UFR Engineering & Technical Lead

Job title : UFR Engineering & Technical Lead (H/F)
Sector : Oil & Gas
Starting date : Asap
Duration of the mission : 12 months minimum to 5 years after UFR package contract award
Location : Paris (FRANCE) - After Contract award end of 2024 to be defined
Status : Residential
Languages : Fluent in English and French

The service holder will be in charge of all the Engineering activities / Technical subject of the UFR package linked to the project.

The Service Holder shall:
1.    Adopt and demonstrate an exemplary behavior with regards to the Company Ethics and “Code of Conduct” policy and promote and enforce the Anti-Corruption Program in force.
2.    Be informed of UFR-related Company Rules and Specifications (CR’s/GS’s), international norms and standards, extracting all the applicable requirements for the project’s UFR package.
3.    Identify, implement and coordinate any study or survey that would be requested for UFR engineering, construction, fabrication, testing, installation ...
4.    Define, develop, issue and maintain all necessary technical documentation related to the project’s UFR package. Support and participate also to the development and maintenance of Project Management main documents (SOR, FDP, PEP, PQP, Risks, etc.) for UFR matters.
5.    Ensure that all engineering, fabrication, construction, testing, qualification pre-commissioning and commissioning aspects are suitably addressed during the different engineering phases by timely reviewing (or having reviewed) and validating the relevant UFR documentation issued by Contractor(s) (technical documentation / queries / derogation requests).
6.    Ensure that HSE&Q issues are correctly handled in all UFR technical documentation. Raise subsequently comments, highlight deviations, unacceptable or unjustified design choices that could affect UFR equipment during fabrication, installation, production ...
7.    Act, as technical referent vis-à-vis Contractor(s), coordinate all the activities of the UFR Engineering team by informing, supporting and directing personnel in their roles, responsibilities, and objectives.
8.    Anticipate the right supervision and control of the fabrication and testing of all UFR equipment spread over several fabrication yards, ensuring that QA/QC and H3SE project policies and requirements are duly implemented, and controlling Contractors’ achievements in accordance with contractual requirements in all areas.
9.    Liaise with the other Package teams (FPSO, SPS, etc.) for Interface matters with the support of the Interface Manager / Leader(s).
10.    Anticipate the supervision and control of:
a.    the follow-up of testing and qualification activities (SWT, CDT, FAT, EFAT, SIT, etc) performed by Contractor(s)
b.    the pre-commissioning, the commissioning of all UFR equipment and the whole preparation of the offshore installation, including the hand-over of such equipment to other package or Contractor(s) for installation
11.    Participate to project reviews as requested by the company referential (PR, DER, CSPP...).
12.    Ensure safe working practices are used within the team along all phases of project
13.    Ensure adequate and timely reporting to the UFR Manager, consolidation reports, concerns and issues.
14.    Assist, as requested, the UFR Manager with the relations with Concessionaire / Partners regarding UFR technical matters, prepare and participate, as required, to Workshops / Committee meetings with Partners and Concessionaire.
15.    Ensure confidentiality of all the UFR documentation produced (whatever its support)
16.    Gather ‘lessons learnt’ and provide feedback to other company’s entities as required and participate to GPI / Project close-out activities / report.

The activity takes place in the context of the pre-FID phase of a major project. The project includes a multidisciplinary team that coordinates the development studies managed by the company on the Deep and Shallow Water discoveries offshore.

The technical challenges the project will face are the reservoirs development and management, the Lease & Operate FPSO and subsea production/injection system definition.

The project team will be developed with the objectives to maximize economical results by optimizing the reserves, the schedule, reducing the costs and the Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emission, while maintaining the technical quality of the installations, with high H3SE requirements and focus.

• Qualification: Master’s degree in Engineering, with specialization in subsea pipeline/risers
• Languages: Fluent in English and French
• Have at least 15 to 20 years of experience in studies and execution phases of large offshore oil & gas projects, especially linked to UFR engineering, construction, installation, and commissioning activities
• Good communication skills, dynamism, high motivation, ability to convince, organized, leadership and ability to put issues into perspective Ability to work on projects in a complex and multicultural environmen

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  • INGENIEURWESEN/STUDIEN/METHODEN, Paris, Île-de-France, FrankreichLöschen