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VINCI Energies

In Kürze

INGENIEURWESEN/STUDIEN/METHODEN 13164 Paris, Île-de-France Region Befristet

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UFR Installation Engineering

Job title : UFR Installation Engineering - SRN Project (H/F)
Sector : Oil & Gas
Starting date : ASAP
Duration of the mission : 12 months
Renewable: Yes
Location : Paris/ FRANCE
Status : Residential
Languages : English

The Service Provider’s main objectives are the identification, the definition of the Scope of Works, the
implementation, follow-up and control of any UFR Transportation and Installation activities, comprising the studies and any offshore works, the analysis of their results, the issue/validation of recommendations, in the objective to control Contractor works the Execution Phase - in compliance with Project Specifications and Procedures, company’s General Specifications, discipline requirements and international codes - with the objective to reduce costs without impacting the schedule or the required level of quality and safety.

Your activities implies that you shall:

o Adopt and demonstrate exemplary behavior with regards to HSE, implement HSE rules and
requirements within his area of responsibility.

Management & governance
o Propose proactively alternative technical solutions whenever required, accounting for the various
constraints of project packages,
o Ensure adequate and timely reporting to the UFR Technical Lead (progress concerns) and as a
general manner, anticipates problems, optimize, improve and offer solutions with regards to his
o Participate and contribute actively to Projects Reviews (HAZOP, HAZID, SPOT, PR…) and prepare
or participate in Safety/technical Audits for installation Engineering scope.

During the Execution Phases:
o Participate in the Contractors selection process (Detailed Engineering, Construction and
Installation): development of Request For Quotation (RFQ), ITT package documents, clarifications
and award,
o Participate to the supervision and control of the Detailed Engineering by timely reviewing and
validating the documentation related to the discipline issued by Contractors (technical
documentation, queries and derogation requests), in compliance with SOR, Project Contractual
technical specifications and procedures, company’s General Specifications, Discipline requirements,
international norms and Standards, with the objective to ensure respect of schedule, cost, quality
and safety,
o Raise consequently necessary comments and highlight unsafe design, deviations, unacceptable
or unjustified design choices, constructability, installation and pre-commissioning issues,
o Participate as required to regular of specific meetings with Contractors,
o Interface actively with other disciplines engineers and other packages engineers as necessary on
all engineering, procurement, construction, commissioning, operation and maintenance matters, in
order to ensure consistency of the work,
o For any offshore works preparation, interface with relevant entities of the Angola affiliates in order
to ensure that authorizations to start operations on Site will be obtained in due time,
o Participate to the loadouts, Installation Phase, tests, commissioning and handover during all the
offshore work campaigns,
o Ensure that safe working practices are used within the team along all phases of the project and
mainly onboard the installation vessels during installation campaign,
o Take part to the supervision team following the UFR offshore activities during the overall offshore
campaign, up to commissioning.

The activity takes place in the context of the execution phase of a major project. The project has a multidisciplinary team that coordinates the studies managed by the company on the Deep and Shallow Water discoveries of the offshore project.

The technical challenges the project will face are the reservoir development and management, FPSO, and subsea production/injection system.

The project’s Team will develop the Project with the objectives of maximizing economic results by optimizing the reserves, and the schedule, reducing the costs and the Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emission, while maintaining the technical quality of the installations, with high H3SE requirements and focusing.

• Qualification: Master’s degree in engineering, with specialization in subsea pipeline/risers,
• At least 15 years professional experience in Oil & Gas deepwater projects, as Installation Engineer, onshore and offshore,
• Knowledge of Total Referential, as well relevant codes and standards,
• Good communication skills, dynamism, high motivation, ability to convince, organized, leadership and ability to put issues into perspective Ability to work on projects in a complex and multicultural environment.


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  • INGENIEURWESEN/STUDIEN/METHODEN, Paris, Île-de-France, FrankreichLöschen