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VINCI Energies

In Kürze

UMSETZUNG/ARBEITEN/PROJEKTDURCHFÜHRUNG 13261 Shanghai, Shanghai Municipality Befristet

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Company Representative (Fabrication Yard)

COMPANY REPRESENTATIVE (FABRICATION YARD) required by our Client, an International Oil and Gas Operator, to be assigned on a Contract basis, located in China.

DURATION         12 months, on-going


  • Reporting to the Company Fabrication Manager in Milan Project HQ and he will also maintain a close link with the Project QA/QC Manager.
  • Issue a weekly report centered on Production Progress and QC.
  • Promote the Company HSE culture in all interactions within teams, monitor their adherence to HSE rules and demonstrate own commitment by leading by example. A safety inspector will join the CR team on site.
  • Maintain a close work relationship. He will participate in daily or weekly production meetings with them as allowed. He will display a visible daily presence on the yard shopfloor, and he will participate in weekly site walk-throughs with supervision.
  • Meet and greet visitors, engineers, inspectors, and ensure they can safely and effectively visit the yard as well as work in the yard office.
  • Build and populate a progress database to monitor modules and spool work progress on a weekly basis in real time. The CR will learn how to use the yard “smart” fabrication management system tool, SFMS.
  • Primary responsibility will be to ensure a quality work execution, in particular to constantly challenge the QC supervision for flawless control and documentation.
  • Monitoring welding quality, including NDT performance, will be the heart of the job but focus will also be necessary on mat’l quality, dimensional control, coating, and insulation, effective hydrotesting, preservation and packing of finished product.
  • Welding/welder quality statistics and NCRs will be closely tracked by the CR.
  • The CR will participate (or delegate his inspectors) in the walk-throughs at the completion of jobs and will sign off the check sheets and punch lists.

  • Education: A mechanical engineering degree/diploma.
  • 10-year experience in managing related discipline works (steel fabrication). Suitable general knowledge of O&G industry.
  • Knowledge of AWS D1.1 and ASME B31.3
  • Mastery of Excel spreadsheets
  • Strong HSE culture and safety leadership, effective communication, and leadership skills.
  • Strong English written and verbal communication skills required. Chinese or French is advantageous.

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