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VINCI Concessions

In Kürze

FINANZEN/BUCHHALTUNG/VERWALTUNG/STEUERN 2024-95269 675 Stuttgart, Baden-Württemberg International assignment contract

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VIE Financial Analyst F/H


VINCI CONCESSIONS, a subsidiary of the VINCI Group, leader in construction, concessions and related services,

Is looking for a Financial Analyst (International Volunteer Program – VIE) for Eliso, a VINCI Concessions subsidiary dedicated to the development, construction, and operation charging stations for electric vehicles in Germany.

As the world leader in mobility infrastructure (airports, highways, railways), VINCI Concessions contributes to improve everyday life and mobility for each and everyone. By building, financing, operating, and managing efficient, innovative, and resilient facilities, we aim at having a positive impact on development. Because our projects are in the public interest, dialoguing with public and private partners is an integral part of our business.

VINCI Concessions has recently begun to diversify its investments and has embarked on the adventure of energy transition, through investments in renewable energies (notably wind and solar power), in electric charging stations and in hydrogen projects applied to mobility.
Eliso is a 100% subsidiary of VINCI Concessions, which develops, builds, and operates charging stations for electric vehicles in Germany.
We are currently looking for a VIE to join and support Eliso's Finance Team in order to carry out the following tasks:
Participation in the preparation of Eliso’s financial statements and budgets in local GAAP;
Preparation of the consolidation packages (in IFRS) within the Group consolidation tool (VISION) for quarterly closings and budget exercises;
Set up of financial reports to monitor actual vs. budget, capital calls and project return for subsidiaries / projects within Eliso;
Analysis and update of financial models (insertion of actual figures, analysis of balance sheet, income statement, cash flow statements and financial ratios) for internal or external uses;
Assistance with financial modeling for new projects;
Carrying out various financial studies at the request of Eliso’s CFO; and
Participation in the implementation and documentation of financial procedures in order to strengthen the quality of the information in compliance with deadlines defined by the Group.

You have a good understanding of corporate finance, and in particular financial modeling;
You have an advanced level in Excel (VBA is a plus);
You are recognized for your rigor and your ability to analyze and summarize data;
Your organizational skills and autonomy enable you to work efficiently and rigorously;
You are fluent in English. German is a plus;
This is an ideal experience for anyone wishing to work in corporate finance in a growing business.


VINCI Concessions is an international market leader in airport, highway and railway mobility, committed to fostering sustained and shared growth for territories and communities. We successfully deliver the public-private partnership promise in 21* countries, building on our unique construction-concession model and a broad expertise in designing, financing, building and operating mobility facilities. Delivering a positive experience to our 2 million daily customers is the primary goal for our +20 000 employees throughout the world. VINCI Concessions brings together VINCI Airports - the world's first private airport operator, VINCI Highways – a leading road mobility operator with 3.564 km managed in 14 countries, and VINCI Railways - a pioneer in the rail concession industry.


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  • FINANZEN/BUCHHALTUNG/VERWALTUNG/STEUERN, Stuttgart, Baden-Württemberg, DeutschlandLöschen