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VINCI Construction

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Project Engineer


About Seymour Whyte:

For over 30 years, Seymour Whyte has been a leading civil contracting business in Australia. We combine the agility and personal connection of a Tier 2 contractor with the expertise of a Tier 1 company. Now, with the enhanced resources of VINCI, one of the largest and most prestigious construction companies in the world, we offer our employees and clients the best of three worlds.

Employee Benefits:

Join a workplace that truly values and supports its employees. We offer flexible health and wellbeing programs to ensure you stay at your best, along with competitive pay that reflects your worth. Our unique bonus scheme rewards your hard work, and through our partnership with VINCI, you can grow your investment with our generous employee share program. We believe in a healthy work-life balance, offering a purchased leave program and paid parental leave. Additionally, enjoy peace of mind with salary continuance insurance, be part of an inclusive culture, and celebrate your birthday with a paid day off.

About the role:

As a Project Engineer on the $200M Clyde Rd upgrade, you’ll coordinate onsite engineering functions for activities such as lane additions, bridge widening, and sustainable initiatives. Your expertise will ensure adherence to designs, safety protocols, and environmental goals while tracking progress and managing subcontractors.

  • Interpret designs for implementation in construction projects.
  • Monitor construction progress for adherence to the programme.
  • Coordinate and administer construction engineering activities.
  • Undertake cost, revenue and productivity tracking and reporting functions.
  • Management of company workforce onsite.

The successful applicant will have the following skills and experience:

  • Bachelor of Engineering (Civil).
  • Demonstrated experience delivering civil infrastructure construction.
  • Familiarity with WHS and Environmental legislation and ability to produce Safe Work Method Statements (SWMS), understand company Quality procedures and WHS Act.
  • Excellent written and verbal communication skills.
  • Intermediate to advanced computer literacy skills.
  • Current C-Class Driver’s License.

Seymour Whyte is an Equal Opportunity Employer and we encourage applications from candidates with diverse backgrounds, including veterans. Our commitment to an equitable construction industry extends to an inclusive culture that embraces our differences and gives everyone the opportunity to grow and be equally valued. We're unified in our direction to having a workplace that is balanced and fair for all.

There has never been a more exciting time to join Seymour Whyte and contribute to a successful and sustainable future.

Next steps:

  • Submit your CV online to apply for this role.
  • All successful applicants will be required to undergo a pre-employment medical and criminal history check.

Register on our website for job alerts to be advised when new roles become available.

To learn more about us, visit

Reference code: 494162

This role is being managed by our internal HR team; applications will not be accepted from recruitment agencies.

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