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VINCI Construction

In brief

PRICING ANALYSIS/SALES 2024-105423 579 Delhi, National Capital Territory of Delhi Permanent contract More than 5 years

To ease reading, the plural masculine form may be used on this page; our vacancies are however directed to persons of all genders

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Deputy Manager-Sales and BD for Segment-MSE Walls M/F


Responsible procreating market and revenue through a focus on MSE Segment growth. Identifying and developing business opportunities, thereby expanding the presence. 

Client-relationship management, new markets, and emerging trends propose and develop new strategic partnerships.

·         Developing market and sale opportunities for the MSE walls

·         Generate specifications via architects, engineers, public health engineers, local authorities, consultants and clients

·         Generate new business relationships and the existing account management

·         Drive promotions for the assigned segments through technical seminars, conferences, exhibitions, etc.

·         Techno-commercial closure, management, and coordination.

·         Special tasks as advised by Reporting Manager

·         Network with Main-contractors, clients and consultants for project leads and market intelligence

·         Updating CRM / Salesforce

·         Initiating & developing relationships with key decision-makers in target industries

·            B.Tech Civil Engineering | Postgraduate in Business Management and Marketing

·            6-8 years of experience


VINCI Construction est l'un des principaux acteurs mondiaux de la construction, dans le domaine des infrastructures de transport, des bâtiments, des réseaux et des aménagements urbains. VINCI Construction s'appuie sur un réseau d'entreprises de proximité, des réseaux de spécialité et une expertise spécifique sur les grands projets d'infrastructures. Présentes dans plus de 100 pays, ses 1 300 entreprises emploient plus de 119 000 collaborateurs et ont réalisé un chiffre d'affaires de 31,5 milliards d'euros

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  • PRICING ANALYSIS/SALES, Delhi, National Capital Territory of Delhi, IndiaRemove