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VINCI Energies

In Kürze

IT/INFORMATIONSSYSTEME 2025-108699 660 Madrid, Madrid Freiwilligendienst im Unternehmen Anfänger

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VINCI Energies, accelerator of energy and digital transformation, generates 20.4 billion euros of turnover with 97 000 employees in 61 countries.

VINCI Energies Systèmes d'Information (VESI) oversees all the IT, communication and management tools for the Group VINCI Energies.

Working for the Group businesses, VESI drives innovation in the transformation of our jobs and working methods. 

We support the Group in adopting new creative, innovative and ambitious solutions to meet the strategic challenges of tomorrow: Applications (SAP S/4HANA), Business Intelligence, Digitalization, Mobility, Artificial Intelligence, Technological platforms, Change management…

Integrated in the Spain Satellite team (companies all over Spain, Germany and US) and in collaboration with the central teams based in Paris, you will support the SAP daily activities of VE Spain Pole and varied challenges.

On SAP daily activities :

  • You will be trained in a functional SAP domain (FICO, MM, SD, HR) in order to provide daily support to VE Spain Pole end users
  • You will promote and organize SAP initiatives to the Spain end users community (workshops, trainings, adoption follow-up…)
  • You will manage SI transversal topics in close contact with VE Spain Business experts, end users and IT local Teams (projects, SAP integration with other tools, support on transversal tools…)
  • You will play an active role developing the governance and processes along with central office and the Satellite team, adapting central initiatives to local needs & context
  • You will be part of the growth of the Satellite team (road map & projects identification, skills mapping…)

  • Graduated from Business School, Engineering School, University
  • Previous experience on IT Projects is preferred
  • Good proficiency in Spanish and English mandatory
  • Proficiency in French is a plus
  • Knowledge of SAP (FICO / MM / SD Modules ++) or programming language is a plus
  • Good proficiency in Microsoft Office
  • Personal qualities: great interpersonal skills & sense of customer service, ability to progress, team player, ability to analyze and synthesize, organizational skills and a results-oriented culture
  • Ability to travel (local travels to business sites and abroad with central offices)

Why us?
  • An individualised onboarding path and career follow-up
  • Innovative, collaborative, and participatory projects with a strong team spirit
  • Opportunities of career evolutions, trainings and mobilities within a rapidly developing international group
  • A local management and support
  • Flexible teleworking 
    •Recognition of employee performance through profit-sharing, incentive and campany savings plan
  • Sharing and pride of our successes
    All our positions are open to people with disabilities.

Our DNA : Confidence, Entrepreneurship, Solidarity, Autonomy, Responsibility 


In a world undergoing constant change, VINCI Energies contributes to the environmental transition by helping bring about major trends in the digital landscape and energy sector. VINCI Energies' teams roll out technologies and integrate customised multi-technical solutions, from design to implementation, operation and maintenance. With their strong local roots and agile and innovative structure, VINCI Energies' 2,000 business units have positioned themselves at the heart of the energy choices of their customers, boosting the reliability, efficiency and sustainability of their infrastructure and processes. VINCI Energies strives for global performance, caring for the planet, useful to people and committed to local communities.

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  • IT/INFORMATIONSSYSTEME, Madrid, Madrid, SpanienLöschen