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VINCI Energies

In Kürze

INGENIEURWESEN/STUDIEN/METHODEN SGS - Electrical Engineering Apprentice-108600 2763 Honiton, England Unbefristet

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Switchgear Services - Electrical Engineering Apprentice


**We will be holding an Apprentice Open Day - Early April 2025**

Switchgear Services (SGS) are specialist switchgear & critical power solution providers which are part of the Vinci energies group (£13 Billion). Our Apprenticeships will give you the chance to develop your skills, opening the gateway to an exciting career. Earning while you are learning, you'll get immediate and meaningful involvement in projects that are fundamental to the success of the business. You will also have a wide support network to help you along the way.

We are a big on organic growth and promotion from within, as such we have many examples of apprentices developing to become Business Unit General Managers or progressing into senior management and engineering roles throughout the group.

Electrical Engineering Apprentice-

We will provide on-the-job training and qualifications to an aspiring Electrical/Manufacturing Engineer, specialising in the construction of our bespoke LV Switchgear and sub distribution products. 

Working across 2 departments, electrical engineering and copper fabrication, the successful applicant will split their time learning the required skills from each department manager, offering a varied and diverse daily routine.

Generally, copper fabrication involves cutting, punching, bending and forming of high conductivity copper busbars for distribution of power throughout our bespoke manufactured LV switchboards, this will be done using various machine tools and hand fitting skills.

Moving over to the electrical engineering side of the position, this dedicated element of our production facility is critical to what we do. From constructing the steel framework, mounting breakers, wiring energy metering and control systems, to testing and commissioning this is varied and highly skilled work that will keep you on your toes and thinking fast whilst maintaining the exceptional quality and safety standards for which we are renowned.

An electrical/manufacturing apprentice will split their time between both departments, gaining and overview and learning the skills and requirements of both trades as required by the business.

Daily Duties include:

  • Assist in the fabrication/design of the copper LV Busbar systems
  • Assembly of bespoke steelwork enclosures for LV power distribution equipment.
  • Electrical control wiring and installation of energy monitoring equipment
  • Support workshop manager and electrical engineers with daily manufacturing
  • Participate in project meetings and provide input
  • Troubleshoot and overcome non-standard requirements and applications
  • Test and commission completed systems
  • Assist with packaging and preparation for shipping

Long term opportunities to advance into roles such as lead fabrication engineer, design engineer, or project manager upon successful completion of the apprenticeship.

Hours per week: 40


  • GCSE Grade 4 or above in English & Maths
  • Interest in Engineering
  • A focused and dedicated approach to your learning and development
  • Creativity, boldness, curiosity, ambition and commitment


Part of the VINCI Energies Group, Actemium provide engineering design, project management, installation and commissioning of electrical, mechanical and IT services in the United Kingdom since 1907. In addition, we provide specialist maintenance operations, fully complemented with accredited safety tests and inspection services to optimise the operational efficiency and safety of our client's equipment and systems. Whilst part of a global network of 300 Business Units, Actemium UK comprises of 7 Business Units covering all of the UK & RoI.

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  • INGENIEURWESEN/STUDIEN/METHODEN, Honiton, England, Vereinigtes KönigreichLöschen