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VINCI Construction

In Kürze

RECHT GM HDI CM-100301 2765 Nanterre, Île-de-France Unbefristet Mehr als 5 Jahre

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Contract Manager F/H


HDI is a VINCI Group company specialising in horizontal directional drilling. This technique is used to lay all types of pipes and networks to cross rivers, sensitive areas or other obstacles, as well as land/sea connections for electricity transmission, fibre optic cables, water or gas. Founded in 1984, Horizontal Drilling International (HDI) is an international benchmark in its market. With its young, dynamic, mobile, committed and innovative team, HDI is now playing an active role in the energy transition. 

To support its development in France and abroad (mainly in the UK), HDI is recruiting a Contract Manager F/M who will support the Projects at execution stage.

Key responsabilities : 

  • Analyse and monitor the application of the main contract with Clients (legal follow-up and financial follow-up)
  • Identify and assess the potential risks: contractual, commercial, financial risks whether arising from the main contract or subcontracts/supply contracts and propose mitigation measures to be adopted to address these risks, in compliance with the Contracts.
  • Maintain accurate records of all contract-related documents and correspondence.
  • Manage potential disputes, in coordination with the Project Director, HDI’s Operation manager and Legal Department with the support of the legal department
  • Ensure the appropriate measures are taken in order to comply with VINCI’s Code of Ethics and HDI’s commitment regarding anti-corruption and Human Rights
  • Management of Subcontracts (from subcontractors identification & contractualisation to performance monitoring & compliance).
  • Ensure smooth communication with stakeholders & coordinate internally to align with different departments.
  • Develop and implement best practices for Main contract and Subcontracts management and quantity surveying.

Your profile : 

  • You have an Engineering degree in Construction/Civil field completed by a graduation in Contract Management, Construction law or equivalent (e.g. FIDIC / NEC4 contract)
  • You have a significant experience in Contract/Subcontract management in the construction industry as well as a previous experience of Contracts based on NEC3/NEC4 and/or FIDIC
  • You have a strong understanding of construction contracts, cost management, and quantity surveying principle as well a strong analytical and problem-solving abilities.
  • You are recognized for your negotiation and communication skills.
  • You have a very good command of English (including technical English, as contracts and standards are drawn up in English) and can work in a multicultural environment.

Warum sollten Sie sich bewerben?

Come and join an international & dedicated team!


VINCI Construction, numéro 1 français du BTP, s'appuie sur un réseau de 391 centres de profit et sur les savoir-faire de 21 125 collaborateurs. VINCI Construction enracine, dans la maîtrise de ses quatre métiers, un savoir-faire unique d'ensemblier, apte à mobiliser l'intégralité de ses expertises dans les métiers du bâtiment, du génie civil, des travaux hydrauliques et des services. Au cœur du chantier, l'homme et les valeurs humaines sont le socle de VINCI Construction. SPIECAPAG réalise des projets complexes de pipelines terrestres et d'infrastructures associées telles que des stations de compression, de pompage et de comptage, de stockage d'hydrocarbures ainsi que des réseaux d'adduction d'eau ou de transport de minerais. Les services de SPIECAPAG incluent le management de projet, la recherche de financement, la conception et l'ingénierie, les études, les achats, la construction et la mise en service, la maintenance et l'opération des ouvrages et la formation des opérateurs ou tout simplement le « clé en main ».


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