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VINCI Energies

In Kürze

INGENIEURWESEN/STUDIEN/METHODEN 13023 Paris, Île-de-France Region Befristet

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RELAUNCH: Subsea Completion Interface Eng (SRN)

Job title :Subsea Completion Interface Eng (H/F)
Sector : Oil & Gas
Starting date: January 2024
Duration of the mission :1 year
Renewable: YES
Location : France / Paris (Missions in Pau)
Status : Residential
Rythm : N/A
Languages : Fluent in French and English

The service holder will be in charge of all the activities linked to the Subsea / Completion interfaces for the Project (31 wells development).

1. Ensure the full application of company’s HSEQ MAESTRO, 12 golden rules, Company rules, policies & procedures.
2. Demonstrate strong HSE Leadership by setting high HSEQ standards.
3. Display Sustainability Leadership by optimizing subsea and completion design in order to reduce GHG emissions. Contribute to GHG roadmap for the project.

4. Ensure that company’s drilling referential is respected throughout the well engineering work delivered by the team.
5. Identify & submit for validation all required derogations.
6. Subsea engineering:
    a. Define Completion/Subsea battery limits with SPS team.
    b. Ensure that SPS Equipment, Rig Equipment interfaces preparation and delivery respects

Project timeline.
    c. Coordinate interfaces with DW/SBS (Subsea Test Tree and X-Tree equipment).
    d. Coordinate the integration of Completion equipment into SPS modules.
    e. Follow FAT and SITs securing the interfaces between Completion and SPS contractors.
    f. Develop means to deploy X-Tree from a dedicated vessel. Design phase and required supply launched.
7. Completion engineering:
    a. Follow and validate the Upper Completion, Lower Completion designs based on FP metier studies.
    b. Ensure close collaboration with Reservoir team to understand the local context and meet the project production targets.
    c. Follow up on and validate well completion design report for project’s development. Document will support all subsequent tenders as well as detailed completion engineering design phase. Review project SOR’s.
8. Optimize completion design in order to reduce costs, GHG emissions and project delivery duration.
9. Prepare and issue well suspension philosophy post upper completion installation. Ensure implementation within project timeline.
10. Contribute to generic Technological Risk Assessment for the development wells. TRA will be documented as the studies & project progresses.

11. In collaboration with company’s team, prepare call for tenders for LLIs and services (OCTGs, Completion and Subsea Equipment). Lead call for tender process along w/ team support, analyze & clarify bids, prepare RTAs.
    a. Call For Tender scope of work: Upper and Lower Completion, Well Intervention, Subsea related contract under Drilling and Wells perimeter packages.
    b. Local content: define necessary Local Content requirement, and implement it in the CFTs
    c. Prepare contractor for operations deployment in project.

• Prepare Subsea design and address interfaces with SPS contractor
• Review and validate completion philosophy and design
• Design the long-term reliability of the completion well assets, ensure that well productivity meets reservoir needs while ensuring cost efficiency.
• Launch and lead required CFTS for completion equipment and services.

The activity takes place in the context of the pre-FID phase of a major project in a land of opportunity, in affiliate being created and whose challenges and scope are currently being defined. The project is a multidisciplinary team that coordinates the development studies managed by the company on the Deep and Shallow Water discoveries of offshore of the project.
The technical challenges the project will face are the reservoirs development and management, the Lease & Operate FPSO (a first for the company) and subsea production/injection system definition.
The project’s team will be developed with the objectives to maximize economical results by optimizing the reserves, the schedule, reducing the costs and the Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emission, while maintaining the technical quality of the installations, with high H3SE.

- Engineering background (master’s degree or equivalent).
- Senior Subsea engineer with extensive experience in subsea interfaces with SPS and completion equipment well design engineering, interfaces w/ completion and subsea equipment (15 years).
- Position holder shall have had a strong exposition to subsea drilling & completion operations.
- Position holder shall have had a previous assignment among one of Company’s Subsea projects.
- Strong team spirit, good communication skills to manage interfaces with other packages & entities, autonomous, pro-active & energetic.
- Spoken languages (fluent): French, English.


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  • INGENIEURWESEN/STUDIEN/METHODEN, Paris, Île-de-France, FrankreichLöschen