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VINCI Energies

In Kürze

INGENIEURWESEN/STUDIEN/METHODEN 13336 Paris, Île-de-France Region Befristet

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UFR Contract Engineering services

Job title: UFR Contract Engineering services
Sector: Oil & Gas
Starting date: ASAP
Duration: 1 Year
Renewable: Yes
Location: Initially Paris
Status: Residential
Language: English and French

The service holder will oversee all the contractual activities linked to Suriname GPI (‘’Groupe Projet Interne’’) / Project for the UFR package.

  • Take into consideration knowledge of international standards and norms, Company Rules, and Specifications (CR’s/GS’s), Project Procedures, etc. related to Contract and Procurement and their application to the GPI / Project.
  • Be in charge for the contracts and the preparation and management of the contracting processes for the contracts to be placed.
  • The preparation of tendering dossiers (General and Particular specifications, Exhibits), the launching of Call for Tenders, the management of the clarification / negotiation phases, the evaluation of contractual and commercial proposals and the issuance of final Recommendations to Award.
  • The preparation / coordination of the final set of contractual / commercial / technical documentation for these contracts.
  • The preparation and follow-up of the associated Commitments process (with their registering in the affiliate / Head office tools (ERP system / Contract Data base …).

Manage contractually and commercially the awarded Contracts and liaise actively with relevant technical specialists for the technical management of Contractors.
  • The management of the process associated with contractual and commercial changes (Change Orders) according to Change Order Procedure and Delegation of Authorities in force, with the coordination of the requests for changes, participating to Change orders meetings with Contractors and the follow-up of the associated approval process.
  • Participating in the remuneration process to Contractors thanks to the checking of Contractors progress (in coordination with other GPI / Project team members (Technical leads, Planning engineers, Cost Controllers, …) and the compilation of Milestone Payment Certificates and Contractors Invoices,
  • Participating to meetings with Contractors as requested and as defined in Contracts,
  • Participating in the settlement of disputes together with legal, insurance and finance specialists
Liaise actively with the company’s Head Quarter and Affiliate teams for any needed support (Legal, Insurance, Finance …), with all concerned technical specialists involved in the technical development / management of said contracts, but also with the Project Control team (mainly Planning, Budget and Cost Control leads) for the development / management of the contracts.
  1. Ensure that clear and accurate records of contractual matters are maintained and monitor key dates, against dates defined in the contracts.
  2. Implement and manage a Change Orders register that can be easily understood and used by the Project team.
  3. Support the Budget and Cost Control team in the development of Project Budget and subsequent revisions (as requested) according to actual expenditure versus planned budget, current and potential changes ...
  4. Report timely to the GPI / Project management highlighting any encountered area of concern.
  5. Perform the close-out of the Contracts respecting Affiliate and GPI / Project procedures.
  6. Observe and impose strict confidentiality with regards to the Contractual and Commercial documentation managed (Confidentiality Agreement to be signed)

The activity takes place in the context of the execution phase of a major project in Suriname. The Suriname GPI is a multidisciplinary team that coordinates the studies managed by the company on the Deep and Shallow Water discoveries of offshore Suriname Block 58.
The technical challenges the GPI / Project will face are the reservoir development and management, FPSO, and subsea production/injection system.
The Suriname Team will develop the Project with the objectives of maximizing economic results by optimizing the reserves, and the schedule, reducing the costs and the Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emission, while maintaining the technical quality of the installations, with high H3SE requirements and focusing.

  • Highly experienced in Oil & Gas contracts writing, negotiating, and managing areas.
  • Professional Experience: 15 years minimum
  • Experience within project: 10 years minimum

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  • INGENIEURWESEN/STUDIEN/METHODEN, Paris, Île-de-France, FrankreichLöschen