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VINCI Energies

In Kürze

QHSU 13281 Paris, Île-de-France Region Befristet

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Upstream and EPCI Quality Lead, Upstream

Job title: Upstream and EPCI Quality Lead, Upstream
Sector: Oil & Gas
Starting date: February 2025
Duration: 1 Year
Renewable: Yes
Location: FRANCE (Paris)
Language: Fluency in the English language. French language is a plus.

The Upstream and EPCI Quality Lead has a double reporting line; to the EPCI Manager regarding the EPCI quality activities and to the Upstream Director regarding the overall Upstream quality activities which include CPI (subsea production system, umbilical, onshore modules), Drilling & Completions and EPCI (pipelines, subsea structures, flexibles) packages.
At peak the Company Team reporting to the Upstream and EPCI Quality Lead is expected to be circa 3 no. full time positions. In addition, there will be further quality related personnel embedded into the EPCI Teams across various sites which will functionally report on quality topics to the Upstream and EPCI Quality Lead.
The Upstream and EPCI Quality Lead will maintain a communication line to the CPI and Drilling and completion Quality Leads in order to promote the Upstream Quality Management system across the different packages.
The Upstream and EPCI Quality Lead and is accountable for the management and delivery of the quality activities related to the Offshore Engineering, Procurement, Construction, and Installation (EPCI) Contract, for the main remaining EPCI activities:
  • PSM (Preservation Storage and Maintenance) of the different material and equipements stored.
  • Flexibles terminations (France).
  • Welding, NDT and Coating qualifications for the shallow water and deepwater pipelines (UK, NL, USA).
  • Spool base pipes reeling (USA).
  • Subsea structures fabrication PLET/ILT (Egypte).
  • Offshore installation in Mozambique.
  • Remaining procurement.
The Upstream and EPCI Quality Lead shall assume Company responsibility for delivery of the required quality activities to support the EPCI scope working in conjunction with his counterparts in the EPCI Contractor and other members of the Company Project Team. The job holder is expected to ensure that a robust fit for purpose quality scope is delivered in line with agreed execution plans, technical requirements, and Project HSEQ requirements.
Normally resident in the offices of the consortium in the Paris - France there will be a need for the incumbent to travel on regular missions to; the fabrication site, offshore installation vessels, Mozambique and other project locations where work is ongoing.
Upstream Perimeter
  • Development and implement the Upstream Quality Management System.
  • Cascade the Upstream Quality Management System across the CPI, EPCI and Drilling and Completions packages.
  • Be the technical focal point for the Third-Party Inspection contracts.
  • Determinate the quality resources and budget needed to ensure that the quality objectives will meet.
  • Liaise with Company HQ subject matter experts to resolve quality issues.
  • Provide effective leadership in Quality performance and compliance across Upstream packages.
EPCI Perimeter
  • Provide management and leadership to direct reports within the Quality Team during all project phases.
  • Monitor and manage all facets of quality activities within the EPCI scope of work to ensure that quality requirements are, as a minimum, met or improved upon.
  • Implement a quality readiness process (part of a wider work readiness process) to ensure a progressive preparation is made by both MTV and Company towards the start of site activities and that this is documented.
  • Establish a Quality Team organization (with organization chart and mob / demob plan) matched to the relevant project phases and ensure that resources are identified, mobilized, and demobilized in accordance with the plan – including provisioning of TPIs as needed.
  • Bring to earliest attention of EPCI Manager quality issues which present a significant threat to the Project and in addition offer mitigating measures / work plans.
  • Review Contractor documentation (plans, procedures, risk assessments, reports etc.) and prepare Company project documentation as required.
  • Contribute to lessons learned processes.
  • Ensure all quality activities are performed in compliance with project contractual and technical requirements and are fit for purpose.
  • Lead / participate in quality assurance program audit activities.
  • Follow up non-conformance reports and ensure resulting corrective actions are implemented.

  • US $20 Billion investment, 17,000-acre LNG facility site that includes private airstrip, marine facilities, and 18 subsea wells - 5-year construction period, delivered utilizing a staff of 1500+ employees and contractors based in Houston, Milan, Paris, Singapore and Mozambique.
  • 12.88 MTPA from​ 2 Initial Trains​ - 25-year production period.
  • Mozambique LNG is a subsea (1,400m) to shore dry gas field development located in the norther part of Mozambique.
The subsea field will be developed via 18 subsea wells, 7-production manifolds, 1-MEG manifold, 3 x 22in trunk lines, a 6in and 8in MEG lines, 18 x 10in in-field flowlines, 2 x 4in in-field MEG lines, associated ILTs and PLETs for all pipelines and flowlines, 25 control modules, 4 onshore umbilicals, 2 main tie-back umbilicals, 5 in-field umbilicals, 12 UTA assemblies, 189 electro hydraulic flying leads, 48 x 10” flexible jumpers, rigid jumpers and spools.

  • Development and implement the Upstream Quality Management System across the CPI, EPCI and Drilling and Completions packages.
  • Provide adequate and qualified Quality resources to the different packages, as per manpower plan and budget.
  • Safe and on time delivery of the quality scope of work within the EPCI Contract whilst ensuring a high level of quality consistent with a project design life of 30 years.

  • Minimum of 15 years relevant track record with quality assurance and quality control activities related to engineering, fabrication, procurement, offshore installation, and pre-commissioning.
  • Ability to manage interfaces between multiple contractors and internal project interfaces.

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  • QHSU, Paris, Île-de-France, FrankreichLöschen