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IT / SYSTEMES D'INFORMATION 30023 Veghel, Noord-Brabant Stage HBO Etudes en cours

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Factory of the future - High performance HMI

Lots of automation processes in lots of different sectors are automated by Actemium. But, in the end its 
quite look a like. A motor or pump is controlled, a valve needs to be opened or closed. The question is, 
how to inform the operator correctly once something goes wrong? 

A transition of physical pushbuttons to monitors is ongoing. The next transition, which is already started, is 
making use of tables and phones. The screens are smaller, and notifications are by a pop-up message.
How should we inform the operators correctly? If we make another transition and think of the idea of a 
Dark factory, what must the operator know? Will we have only highest critical alarms? How to prevent 
follow-up alarms (high pressure: alarm 1, will stop a pump: alarm 2, which will stop flow: alarm 3) and 
make sure the route cause (high pressure, alarm 1) is reported? 

Your assignment is to perform a deep dive of all available operator screens in our Industrial Technology 
Center (ITC). You will perform your research within this centre and find a conclusion which helps you in the next phase of the assignment.

Some research questions examples: Which alarming management style is most efficient for the operator? 
Think of follow-up alarming, maintainability and criticality groups. Furthermore, think of different 
applications like a 24” screen with mouse control, a tablet or phone with finger control or an AR glass with 
hand motion control.• You are almost finished with your study and have knowledge or interests in HMI/SCADA systems
• You are enthusiastic and being passionate of technology 
• You can work on your assignment independently on our location in Veghel
• You want to keep going forward. Standing still is no option. You want to keep developing yourself, 
within your assignment but as well on personal field
• You can communicate in a nice and professional way and want to lift the conversation to a next level
• You are able to advice, even if not askedAt Actemium, you have the space to trust in your own qualities. Of course, with an open mind for the 
knowledge and experience of your colleagues. In practice, this means:
• A pleasant, informal working atmosphere and tailored guidance from enthusiastic professionals.
• Plenty of room for your innovative ideas.
• An internship or graduation opportunity with a lot of variety within a network that is constantly 
• (Opportunities for) growth after completing your assignment.
• Flexible working hours
• Market-based compensation


Actemium gives students lots of opportunities to grow, of course under supervision of experienced 
Actemium co-workers. The combination of your talent and our professionalization could lead to surprizing 
innovations. You will work at a cool graduation location and our organization will grow due to your 
creativity and effort. A win-win situation! 


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